Financial Economics Letters (2024)

Open Access Journal Article

Nexus Between Asset Class Volatility and the Output Gap in Nigeria: A Bayesian Var Approach

by richard umeokwobi , Abayomi Awujola , Emeka Nkoro and Marvelous Aigbedion

FEL 2024, 3 (1); 10.58567/fel03010004 - 19 January 2024


Excessive volatility in financial markets can disrupt economic activity, affect investor and consumer confidence, and potentially lead to financial crises in an economy. Due to this backdrop, this study examined the link between asset class volatility and the output gap in Nigeria. The asset classes were categorized into stock, crude, gold, and bitcoin. The study adopted the GA [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

African exchange rates amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

by Turki Rashed Alshammari

FEL 2024, 3 (1); 10.58567/fel03010005 - 17 January 2024


The study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on African exchange rates, employing a panel dataset over the period 2016-2022 from 13 African economies and employing pooled OLS estimator. The findings reveal a noteworthy positive correlation between COVID-19 levels and exchange rates within the region. However, this association necessitates deeper exploration due to its multifac [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Systemic Risk in the Fintech Industry: Evidence from Crisis Events and the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Aktham Maghyereh and Jinxin Cui

FEL 2024, 3 (1); 10.58567/fel03010003 - 16 January 2024


This paper investigates the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the systemic risk of the fintech industry. To achieve this goal, we first estimate the evolution of system-wide systemic risk using the CatFin method. We further examine whether EPU significantly affects systemic risk. Our findings demonstrate that the systemic risk of the fintech industry is time-varian [...] Read more

Open Access Letter

Asymmetric Efficiency: Contrasting Sustainable Energy Indices with Dirty Cryptocurrencies

by Rosa Galvão and Rui Dias

FEL 2024, 3 (1); 10.58567/fel03010002 - 16 January 2024


This paper examines the efficiency, in its weak form, of the clean energy stock indices, Clean Coal Technologies, Clean Energy Fuels, and Wilderhill, as well as the cryptocurrencies classified as "dirty", due to their excessive energy consumption, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETH Classic), and Litecoin (LTC), from January 2020 to May 30, 2023. In ord [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

How do financial regulations and economic freedoms affect bank profitability? Empirical Evidence from the OIC Region

by Ousman Mohammed Yimam

FEL 2024, 3 (1); 10.58567/fel03010001 - 15 January 2024


Banks operating within a free economic environment and with constructive regulatory frameworks can function with enhanced efficiency, augmenting their profitability. This study aimed to examine the influence of economic freedom and financial restrictions on banks' profitability within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member nations. The study used a sample of 1453 banks, [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

A study on the perception towards the impact of inflation of people of Gujarat state

by Kalpesh Gandhi

FEL 2024, 2 (3); 10.58567/fel02030005 - 15 January 2024


Economy has various stages which have been described as economic cycle and due to that the circulatory movement observed, some have faster cycle some have longer cycle which depends on numbers of factors and from that inflation is an important segment. Various terms have been described for inflation, in simple meaning when price of different commodities have been raised compare [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

COVID-19 and SMEs deposits with commercial banks: evidence from African economies

by Abdulazeez Y.H. Saif-Alyousfi

FEL 2024, 2 (3); 10.58567/fel02030004 - 08 January 2024


This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 on Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) deposits across 13 African nations from 2016 to 2022, using a seven-year dataset and Ordinary Least Squares estimator. Notably, it uncovers a significant positive link between the pandemic and SMEs deposits, indicating heightened reserves amidst economic uncertainty, potentially driven by ri [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

Digital Currency and Financial Markets in Nigeria: Impact and Policy Implications

by Chioma Nwosu Peace , Bosha Ernest Oryiman and Abubakar Ibrahim Sani

FEL 2023, 2 (3); 10.58567/fel02030003 - 01 December 2023


The rise of privately issued digital currencies, which primarily serve as alternative investment assets poses a challenge to the traditional financial instruments traded in the financial market. This study examines the dynamic relationship between the major privately issued digital currency (Bitcoin) and two financial market securities in Nigeria. The paper employed Vector Auto [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article

A pipeline between producer and consumer prices in Ghana: A Policy Issue

by Johnson Worlanyo Ahiadorme and Linda Akoto

FEL 2023, 2 (3); 10.58567/fel02030002 - 20 November 2023


As prices have grown at their fastest pace in recent times, inflation has become a key concern for the macro-policy environment. In many jurisdictions, consumer prices have typically formed the basis for price stability policies. Notwithstanding, producer prices remain an important channel and must be closely watched. We utilise data on Ghana and investigate the causal links be [...] Read more

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Financial Economics Letters (1)

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Open Access Journal Article

Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities

by Chunhua Zhang and Yanjun Jin

FEL 2023, 2 (3); 10.58567/fel02030001 - 14 November 2023


There must be a better match between the supply of financial news graduates in colleges and the media's demand for financial news talents. Based on 300 questionnaires and in-depth interviews from three universities, namely Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, this paper uses t [...] Read more

I am an expert in the field of finance and economic research with a deep understanding of various concepts related to asset class volatility, economic policy uncertainty, and the impact of external factors such as COVID-19 on financial markets. My expertise extends to analyzing empirical evidence and drawing meaningful conclusions from academic articles in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the mentioned articles:

  1. Nexus Between Asset Class Volatility and the Output Gap in Nigeria: A Bayesian Var Approach

    • This study explores the relationship between asset class volatility and the output gap in Nigeria. Asset classes such as stocks, crude oil, gold, and bitcoin are analyzed. The Bayesian VAR approach is employed to understand the dynamics.
  2. African Exchange Rates Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • This article investigates the impact of COVID-19 on African exchange rates, utilizing a panel dataset from 13 African economies. The study employs a pooled OLS estimator to reveal a positive correlation between COVID-19 levels and exchange rates within the region.
  3. The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Systemic Risk in the Fintech Industry: Evidence from Crisis Events and the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • This paper explores the influence of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the systemic risk of the fintech industry. The CatFin method is used to estimate system-wide systemic risk, and the study examines the time-varying nature of systemic risk in response to EPU.
  4. Asymmetric Efficiency: Contrasting Sustainable Energy Indices with Dirty Cryptocurrencies

    • This research examines the efficiency of clean energy stock indices versus "dirty" cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum) based on their energy consumption. The study evaluates the weak form efficiency from January 2020 to May 30, 2023.
  5. How do Financial Regulations and Economic Freedoms Affect Bank Profitability? Empirical Evidence from the OIC Region

    • The study investigates the impact of economic freedom and financial regulations on the profitability of banks within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member nations. A sample of 1453 banks is utilized for the analysis.
  6. A Study on the Perception Towards the Impact of Inflation on People of Gujarat State

    • This article focuses on the economic cycle and inflation, examining the perception of people in Gujarat state regarding the impact of inflation. Various factors influencing inflation are considered.
  7. COVID-19 and SMEs Deposits with Commercial Banks: Evidence from African Economies

    • The paper explores the impact of COVID-19 on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) deposits across 13 African nations. The study utilizes a seven-year dataset and the Ordinary Least Squares estimator to uncover a significant positive link between the pandemic and SMEs deposits.
  8. Digital Currency and Financial Markets in Nigeria: Impact and Policy Implications

    • This study investigates the dynamic relationship between the major privately issued digital currency (Bitcoin) and financial market securities in Nigeria. The Vector Auto Regression (VAR) method is employed to analyze the interactions.
  9. A Pipeline Between Producer and Consumer Prices in Ghana: A Policy Issue

    • The article addresses inflation concerns and examines the causal links between consumer prices and producer prices in Ghana. The study emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring producer prices as a channel for policy decisions.
  10. Path to Improve the Professional Quality of Students Majoring in Financial News: Micro Evidence from 300 Questionnaires from Three Universities

    • This paper focuses on the professional quality of students majoring in financial news. It gathers micro evidence from 300 questionnaires and in-depth interviews from three universities in China, aiming to enhance the alignment between the supply of financial news graduates and the media's demand for financial news talents.

Feel free to ask for more details on any specific article or concept.

Financial Economics Letters (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.